
Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Extracting Honey At Low Cost - How To Make Your Own Extractor

How to make your own honey extractor
To extract honey from the beehive one must have an extractor of honey. Honey extractors are available in the market and cost around $300, which is the approximate price of getting a new bee hive. Sometimes instead of investing so much money in a new honey extractor, several beekeepers who are located near each other collectively get a honey extractor and share it. In case there are no beekeepers near your place, then the next best option is to make your own honey extractor.

How to make your own honey extractor
To put together your own honey extractor you would first have to get all the materials that would be required for this. What you would need are six coach screws, is a single pillow block bearing, a bearing that is self centering, four sections of 400 mm of 8mm rod that is threaded, for the metal bolt you will require ten bolts, a metal drum that is fairly large, a single meter of fencing wire which is 2 to 3 mm thick, two bits of wood, two wheel rims of a bicycle and a one meter rod of metal that is thickly threaded. While selecting the metal drum that is a large one for storing the honey, make sure that no toxic or dangerous material was ever stored in it before. The tools that you will require for making your honey extractor would be a hack saw, a socket set, a machine for welding, and an electric drill.

The step by step instructions for making the extractor
See the side of the drum that is without the two holes and open it, this will be the upper end of your drum for the honey extractor. With the coach screws fasten one piece of wood diagonally across the underneath of the drum. Now put the pillow block into place securely with the coach screws.

The threaded rod should be inserted through the middle of the initial bicycle rim, firmly lock the frame to the rod about ten centimeters away from the rods end. On the opposite side of the rod thread a but for the other wheel, on this nut you should make the second wheel will rest. Drill four holes and when both the wheel rims are in place around each wheel. After this job is done use the 8mm rods to secure the wheel rims together. Using two of the nuts on the rod, ensure that two cm of the rod stick out

Next you should cut a slit 10mm deep and 3mm wide in the last part of the rod. After this thread the lock the nuts together at the finishing end of the rod. Once the nuts are in place, with the welding machine permanently secure them into place. Secure the wire to the spokes of the wheel rim which is at the bottom, about 5-8cm from the edge of the rod. Your honey extractor's basket is ready. Take this basket and put it inside the drum on the pillow bearing. Now bolt another bit of wood to the self centering bearing and the sides of the drum. Drill a screwdriver piece into the chuck and place the chuck inside the slit at the slot on top of the threaded rod. For details with photographs for a better understanding of making an extractor for honey go to the websites for more information.

Abhishek is an avid Bee Keeping enthusiast and he has got some great Beekeeping Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 59 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Bee-Keeping Pro!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Life Cycle Of Honey Bees - 3 Things Successful Beekeepers Know

1. The unique life cycle of the honey bee
The queen bee lays eggs in the octagonal shaped cells and the eggs get attached to the wall of the cell with a strand of mucus. During spring when the eggs are being laid, the queen bee can lay up to 1900 eggs in a day. The egg remains in the cell until it hatches and there emerges a larva. There are nurse bees that have to care for the larvae and feed the larvae with honey and secretions from the glands which are referred to as bee bread.

There are five stages to the development of a larva, and the larva sheds the outer skin after each of these stages. On the sixth day of this procedure the larva is cocooned by one of the worker bees in its cell where it stays for the next eight to ten days and then emerges as a fully formed bee from its cocoon.

2. The life span of a honey bee
The life span of the honey bees depends on the purpose that they are in the hive for. Different jobs have different honeybees doing it and their life spans also differ accordingly. The queen bee has a life span of two years but this is only if she has been inseminated with a sufficient amount of sperm while she was on her nuptial flight. The queen bee if she is in a good condition can lay up to 2000 eggs in a day and is also responsible for killing her mother and sisters too. The queen bee has nothing to do as there are enough bees in her entourage to feed her and to clean the waste matter too. An older queen bee will leave the nest while the rest of the bees from the hive are going to swarm. This usually happens during spring time. Those who are proficient in bee keeping, think that the queen bee generates some sort of pheromone that avoids the worker bees from the hives in becoming interested in sex. The virgin queen bee is one who has not had her nuptial flight. The drone bees are the ones that survive only until they have impregnated the queen bee during her nuptial flight. The drone bee dies after mating with the queen bee.

3. Life of the worker bee
The worker bee lives for one hundred and forty days only during the winter, and during summer it is only forty days. They have a short life span because they literally work themselves to death. There are many different duties that the worker bees have to perform. The nurse bees take care of the larvae while others have to go out and collect pollen to make honey. Other workers have to be capping the honey combs while some have to attend on the queen bee. These worker bees also have to starve the drone bees to death and clean the hives. All worker bees are always sterile and in case they lay an egg are drone bees. Each hive has between twenty thousand to two hundred thousand bees in a one hive. The bees only survive if their queen life, if anything happens to the queen bee then the whole hive dies.

Abhishek is an avid Bee Keeping enthusiast and he has got some great Beekeeping Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 59 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Bee-Keeping Pro!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

The Source of Gold - Its Ores and Minerals By Chris Ralph Platinum Quality Author Chris Ralph Chris Ralph Level: Platinum Well, I'm Chris Ralph, and

With the high market prices of gold and silver in recent months, a number of people are wondering about where these metals come from. Gold and silver metals are obtained from a variety of different types of rock ores. Most people think of gold nuggets and such as the source of gold, but the truth is that very little of the new gold produced comes from nuggets - nearly all newly mined gold comes from ores mined from the natural hard rocks that contain gold in tiny, even microscopic particles. This article is created to describe what these ores are like. Gold is found widely diffused in nature even though it is one of the scarcer metals in the earth's crust. Very commonly, gold occurs as the native metal encased within a mineral known as quartz. Sometimes the gold is in a finely divided state, sometimes in particles of considerable size, as nuggets, grains, scales, plates, threads and wires in quartz rock. It occurs also in a finely divided state disseminated through schistose rocks, slates and some sedimentary rocks like limestone. In these cases the rock has been altered by the flow of heated and mineralized waters, often resulting in the impregnation of large amounts of rock with silica, iron and a certain amount of gold. Sometimes the silicified rock even replaces much if not all of the original country rock. While historically speaking vein deposits were the most productive, these disseminated deposits currently yield much of the worlds gold ore.

Within gold ores, the element itself occurs in nature chiefly in the form of native gold, which is by far the most common gold bearing mineral. In various gold ores, the native gold commonly occurs as tiny particles contained within sulfide minerals such as pyrite. Iron pyrite is an exceedingly common mineral associated with gold, but it also serves as a reducing agent. Therefore whenever gold is found encased in pyrite, it is always present as free gold and not as some type of gold sulphide. Gold is also found at times in chalcopyrite, galena and arsenopyrite and stibnite, but not as a rule in such large amounts as may be found in pyrite. Other minerals, like sphalerite, pyrrhotite, magnetite and hematite sometimes carry small amounts of gold as well. Gold also occurs as tellurides such as calaverite. Common gangue minerals in gold ores include quartz, fluorite, calcite and pyrite, but many others can be found in smaller amounts.

Gold Ore Minerals:

The most prominent is native gold - most of the native gold contains a small amount of silver, copper, platinum, etc. Telluride minerals are the most common minerals which contain significant gold in their make up. They include: Petzite (Ag,Au) 2,Te, with a gold content of about 25 per cent. Hessite (Ag2Te), with gold often present replacing a part of the silver. Sylvanite (Au,Ag)Te2 : typically about 25 per cent. gold. Calaverite (Au,Ag)Te2 : typically about 40 per cent, gold. Krennerite (Ag2Te,Au2Te3) : gold is about 35 percent. Nagyagite (Au2,Pbi4,Sb3,Te7,S7). Some samples of Nagyagite have given upon analysis 12.75 per cent gold. The gold containing sulphides, as well as the tellurides, are of primary formation, although auriferous chalcopyrite might also be formed by secondary enrichment processes. Native gold may occur in the primary, secondary enrichment, or oxidized zones. The tellurides, which are usually associated with pyrite, are widely distributed, though not so abundant, but not always recognized; indeed by some miners they are mistaken for sulphides.

General Types of Gold Ores:

Gold deposits are often classified according to their association. The first of these may be catalogued as quartzose. This implies that the gangue mineral is acid, that is, quartz, and that fluorite may abound, or even the other gangue minerals of the alkaline earth group. Not infrequently there appears within the quartz varying amounts of pyrite and even limited quantities of chalcopyrite and galena. These are free milling ores. By a free milling ore, it is meant one that the rock does not require roasting before the gold can be recovered from it. Dry ore is the term often used for this category. The second class of gold ores is auriferous copper ores. These are widely distributed throughout the United States and much of the chalcopyrite is gold bearing. These auriferous copper ores are especially abundant in Colorado, Utah, Montana and British Columbia. They are also present at Gold Hill, North Carolina and in Canada at Newfoundland. The third class of gold ore is auriferous lead ores. The percentage of lead in these rocks is large and the gold content is often small. They are refractory ores like the copper ores. By refractory ore is meant one that requires roasting before extraction processing. The heavy sulphides as copper, lead and antimony require this method of treatment, that is the condition of the gold in the mineral will not allow of its immediate capture with most recovery systems. The fourth class of gold ores comprises the gold-telluride group. The gold telluride ores occur with silver, or with silver, lead and antimony, or as native gold accompanied by other tellurides. These ores are often sent direct to the smelters for treatment. A fifth type is the disseminated ore type. They are often low in grade but large. They fill large fracture and fault zones or replace certain geologic horizons. They are the result of the circulation of large amounts of heated water deep underground.

Some folks are interested in learning to recognize gold ores and seeing if they might have accidentally found some. To see photos of various types of gold ores and learn more about how to prospect for them, and where they come from, take a look at this web page: Gold Ore Photos and Information

For more information about prospecting for gold, see my: Gold Prospecting Encyclopedia

Chris Ralph writes on small scale mining and prospecting for the ICMJ Mining Journal. He has a degree in Mining Engineering from the Mackay School of Mines in Reno, and has worked for precious metal mining companies conducting both surface and underground operations. After working in the mining industry, he has continued his interest in mining as an individual prospector.

Smoking Lungs - Who is to Blame For Smoking Lung Cancer

The media would like for you to think that smoking causes lung cancer. That fact is so far from the truth that the public actually believes the hype and blames the cigarette, an inanimate object, for the increase in smoking lung cancer. The only thing that can relate the habit to smoking lungs is your choice to stick that next cancer stick between your lips.

Maybe you started this habit because it was cool. Maybe you wanted to be like the other people around you and peer pressure took over. The reason for starting smoking is irrelevant, the fact remains that you are smoking today because you chose to start. Stopping needs to be just as easy as it was to start, that is why there are people all over the Internet and in the medical community that pride themselves on giving people stop smoking help today.

Yes, the smoke in the lungs and the chemicals in the blood stream do increase the chance of getting lung cancer, but those cigarettes do not smoke themselves. You have to pick one out of the pack, light the cigarette and draw on the filter over and over again. The cigarette does not tell you to do this, your mind does!

In order to stop the chance of contracting lung cancer related to smoking is to quit today. So you are the one in charge of whether or not you get one of this smoking diseases. There is no one else you can blame for increasing the chance of dying from a condition that strips you of your ability to breath.

Smoking does not cause lung cancer, people choosing to smoke and choosing not to quit the habit are the ones that cause smoking lung cancer by the thousands every day and the millions every year.

You too can totally quit smoking and avoid the risk of getting smoking lung cancer just like the many ex-smokers who have used the Quit Smoking Today Program and stopped this harmful habit.

Monday, 24 November 2008

How to Get Maximum From Online Math Help Tutoring

Are you too one of those parents who often hear the comments from their child like- 'I don't like math', 'math is boring' or 'math is of no use in our life'? Age old Math teaching practices being followed by the classroom teachers and Pvt. Math tutors are largely responsible for lack of interest in math. Importance of math in our life can't be neglected but many parents find it very tough to teach math to their child when she or he or hates math. But, thanks to the advance technology of Internet that has made Math learning to such children as easy as counting 1-2-3. Online Math tutoring provides much relief to the parents of those children, who are weak in Math but even then don't like to study math.

Good online tutoring companies like Tutorskingdom deliver math lessons with parental and personal touch. Use of latest technology, participation in online conferences, discussions and chat sessions, regular monitoring and progress assessment make the online math tutoring more effective than traditional tutoring. 1:1 attention and professionally designed tutoring strategies create the interest of students in math learning. Students themselves realize online 'math study' process totally different from the traditional Pvt. tutoring or classroom coaching. Once students start taking interest in Math learning, they learn very fast because at this stage they don't shy ask.

Though you pay part of the amount generally paid to Pvt. tutor but even then when you pay for online tutoring, you expect early results. Just hiring the best online Math help service is not sufficient to get the expected results within the remaining short period before examinations. As a parent, you also need to assist your child to develop some good habits to get the maximum from hired online math help. Here are certain valuable tips for the Math students that will certainly improve the results of online Math tutoring:
* Try to see the importance of Math even in routine life.
* Familiarize yourself with the software, hired online tuition agency is using. Test your perfection of using the suggested 'system' ahead of time. Better, you first try 'trial sessions'.
* Familiarize yourself with the topic of upcoming tutoring session. This practice help you to point out your personal problems related to that particular 'topic'.
* Never consider a topic of your syllabus less important and attain 'mastery' over all the topics. Try to assess your weakness yourself and don't shy to ask again and again till your doubts get clear.
* Frequently use the facility to access recorded session to revise the previous workouts.
* Use online question banks to improve your efficiency and capability of solving the Math problems. Some online tutoring sites offer this facility free of cost.
* There are many sites that offer free online tutoring video tutorials for Math help. Watch these sessions to check you subject knowledge.
* Concentrate on applying the right formulae and solving the problems through right steps. Don't develop the habit of using short cut methods to save time and efforts.

To know more ways to learn Math without feeling extra 'study load' or disturbing existing daily schedule, you may contact the author at

Shubhranshu Agarwal is 9 yrs experienced freelance content writer. At present, author is working for as a 'Business Development Consultant'. To know more about 'online tutoring', please feel free to Email at

What Can You Benefit From an Online Nursing Program? By

The shortest of healthcare professionals and the increase of the demand for qualified healthcare personnel especially in the area of nursing leads to the increase of benefits in term of employee benefits and salary in these career fields. For those who are interested to choose this path as their career is seeing a bright future with very rewarding income potential. Moreover, additional qualifications in nursing will lead to better remuneration and get you to the higher level in your career achievement. Online nursing programs are among the popular options for those who are interested to gain additional qualification in nursing for their career advancement.

If you already have the foundations of nursing education and plan to advance your nursing qualifications to further your career path, then you can benefit from the advantages of online nursing programs in term of flexible learning environment from remote location. Most online degree programs are designed for working individuals that take into considerations of their busy working schedule and provide them with the most flexible self-pace with remote logon learning environment. These advantages enable nurses to retain their regular jobs while they study at online nursing courses.

For those who become registered nurses through associate nursing degree or diploma programs can now take advantage of online nursing program to earn a Bachelor Science in Nursing (BSN) and advance their nursing career to become leaders in the nursing industry, or moving to next level receiving a master's or doctoral degree.

By earning a bachelor or master's degree in nursing, you will have a better opportunity to benefit from many career improvement options which guarantee you a better rate of earnings than you would have with the basic nursing qualifications. Moreover, online BSN degrees or online MSN degrees can be completed in a much shorter time than regular campus-based nursing programs; hence it saves your time and the cost of study while letting you enjoy the flexible learning environment from anywhere you like. The online nursing program can be a good option to go when it comes to advanced nursing qualifications. Registered nurses should take advantage of online nursing program to get an advanced qualification for a better career future.

If you are interested to find an online nursing program that fit you need, there are a lot of resources available online where you can gain added information on online nursing education. You can also ask the details information from the online schools that offered your selected online nursing programs for further review before you make your final decision. The schools should provide you with the information promptly.

A bachelor or master's degree in nursing will help you to get better opportunities to move your career to next level which guarantee for a better rate of remuneration. You can benefit from the advantage of online nursing program to get an advanced qualification for a better career future.

Amelia Turner, author for invites you to explore more information on online nursing programs at her site. And, you can request for FREE information packs on your preference online degree programs offered by various accredited online universities to be sent to you for further review before you decide the degree that best fit you.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Grade 6 Science Fair Project - "Road Salt - Is it the Fastest Way to Melt Icy Roads?"

The purpose of this science fair project is to explore the effect of road salt placed on snowy and icy roads. The freezing point for water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature water freezes into ice. Road salt is placed on snowy and icy roads because the salt causes the ice and snow to melt. The chemistry behind this reaction is that salt lowers the melting point or freezing point of water. The salt acts as foreign particles in the water to help the melting process.

In this science fair project you will simulate sidewalks and roads in icy conditions. You will fill dishes with ice to represent the sidewalks and roads. You will place various materials across the ice cubes to see if and how the ice cubes melt. The various materials include: road salt, fertilizer, calcium chloride, cat litter, and sand.

Road salt and the various other materials will cause the ice to melt
faster than using nothing at all.

Type of material spread on ice

Materials Needed:

  • Six dishes that have dimensions of 9 x 13 inches
  • Freezer available to use during the science fair project
  • Stopwatch
  • Water
  • 12 ounces of road salt
  • 12 ounces of fertilizer
  • 12 ounces of calcium chloride
  • 12 ounces of cat litter
  • 12 ounces of sand
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Camera


Complete the following steps for this science fair project:

Setup Step #1:
Pour water into each of the six dishes. Make sure that the water level in each dish is 1 inch.

Setup Step #2:
Place the six dishes in the freezer. Leave the dishes in the freezer until the water has frozen to ice. You may have to leave the dishes in the freezer overnight.

Setup Step #3:
Place each of the six dishes on the floor of your kitchen.
You are now ready to begin the science experiment.


Step #1:
You are going to spread material onto each dish in the following
Dish #1: Do not spread any material across this dish. Leave this
dish as plain ice only.
Dish #2: Spread the 12 ounces of road salt evenly across this dish.
Dish #3: Spread the 12 ounces of fertilizer evenly across this dish.
Dish #4: Spread the 12 ounces of calcium chloride evenly across
this dish.
Dish #5: Spread the 12 ounces of cat litter evenly across this dish.
Dish #6: Spread the 12 ounces of sand evenly across this dish.

Step #2:
Use your stopwatch to determine how long it takes for each
material to melt the ice. Record your observations. Did the road salt melt the ice the quickest? Rank the materials in order from the dish that melted the fastest to the slowest. Do you think that road salt is most effective material to use on icy roads? Why or why not?

Step #3:
You may want to take pictures during the melting process.
Pictures will help you document your observations as well as validate your results and conclusions.

Summary of Results:
The materials that were spread across each dish cause the freezing point to lower. This in effect caused the ice to melt. Road salt is
used on icy roads because it is the most effective and also the safest for the environment.

Anne-Marie Killer is the webmaster of where you'll find complete science fair projects for grade 4 to 9.

Grade 9 Science Fair Project - "The Reactive Science of the Yeast Plant"

The purpose of this science fair project is to demonstrate how the yeast plant reacts with certain foods. For example, yeast is used to raise breads. Yeast is a single celled plant that is a type of fungus. Yeast is unable to manufacture food because it does not contain the chlorophyll characteristic of green plants. Yeast cells change certain foods into alcohol and carbon dioxide when they breathe. This carbon dioxide is what causes bread dough to rise. This science fair project also involves building a contraption that will measure the rate of reaction of yeast and a sugar solution.


Yeast reacts at a faster rate with certain types of foods.

Food type sample
Temperature of water


Project #1:
Warm Water
Tablespoon, Teaspoon
Muffin tin built for 12 muffins
12 Note cards
Notebook paper
12 Straws

Food samples you will add:
1. Flour
2. Table sugar
3. Brown sugar
4. Powdered sugar
5. Sugar substitutes
6. Cornstarch
7. Salt
8. Milk
9. Chopped meat
10. Cooking oil
11. Pancake syrup

Project #2:
Small tubing
Test tube
Rubber stopper
Cooking thermometer
Tall water glass
Graduate cylinder
Cup of Warm water

Project #1:

Step #1:
Begin by creating a yeast culture. Add a tablespoon of dry yeast
to one cup of warm water. Stir the mixture until the yeast has all dissolved. Pour one tablespoon of this solution into each of the 12 cups in the muffin tin.

Step #2:
Create a note card diagram so you can keep track of which food
you place in each muffin tin. Do NOT place any food into the first muffin tin so that it can act as the "control" group in this experiment. Refer to the listing of food samples in the material section. Place 1/4 teaspoon of flour into the second cup. Place 1/4 teaspoon of the table sugar into the third cup. Repeat this process through the rest of the food samples in the materials section.

Step #3:
Place the muffin tin in an oven that is at 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
Check the muffin tin after three minutes. Record which food samples have created bubbles due to the carbon dioxide reaction from the yeast. Which food samples reacted right away and which did not? Record your results.

Step #4:
Place the muffin tin back in the oven and check it after five more
minutes. Record your results.

Project #2:

Step #1:
Almost completely fill the test tube with one tablespoon of yeast
and three tablespoons of sugar in a cup of warm water. Insert the small tubing through the stopper. Place the stopper on the test tube.

Step #2:
First fill the tall water glass with cold water that is at 35 degrees
Fahrenheit. This temperature needs to be maintained. You can add ice to the water to keep it chilled. You can monitor the water temperature using a cooking thermometer. Place the test tube into the tall water glass. Place the other end of the small tubing into the empty beaker. Let five minutes pass.

Step #3:
Fill the graduated cylinder with water and turn it upside down in
the beaker. Make sure the open end of the graduate cylinder covers the end of the small tubing.

Step #4:
Carbon dioxide will have formed in the test tube. This carbon
dioxide will replace the water in the graduate cylinder. Record the volume of gas created every 30 seconds for 15 minutes. Repeat this experiment at various temperatures in the tall water class.

Summary of Results:
Create a chart that displays the reaction rates for the different food samples. Plot a graph that shows the amount of time versus the volume of carbon dioxide created.

Anne-Marie Killer is the webmaster of where you'll find complete science fair projects for grade 4 to 9.

Evolution - 150 Years of Lies and Deceit? By Rob Vandeweghe Rob Vandeweghe Rob Vandeweghe Level: Basic PLUS Rob VandeWeghe is a sceptic turned Christ

2009 is the 150th anniversary of the introduction of the Theory of Evolution through the publication of Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1859. Darwin's theory became the basis for a belief system - a new 'religion' called evolution - allowing for an explanation for our existence independent from God.

In evolution, the entire universe is considered to have evolved by natural processes and random selection into its present state of high organization and complexity. In this model the universe began in a state of pure randomness. Gradually it has - by "survival of the fittest" - become more ordered and complex. In order for the complex structure of the universe to have been produced by present natural processes, a vast amount of time was required.

This all sounds logical and as over the last 150 years more and more bright minds have endorsed it, taught it and further developed it, a majority of people now seems to believe that evolution is true and that the alternative - that God created us and our world - is false and only still believed by the 'uneducated' and 'gullible'.

However the 'case' for evolution is far from watertight. It seems actually to be more like a boat full of holes which - despite desperate efforts by evolutionists to keep on pumping - is slowly but surely sinking! Modern day science reveals massive problems, like (just to name a few):

1) The beginning needed a Creator. If there ever was a Big Bang - who or what caused it to happen? How can something (a lot, actually everything) come from nothing? Wild theories like the completely unproven evolutionary string theory require a lot more 'faith' than accepting a Creator God.

2) Earth is a truly privileged planet. Chances of finding a similar habitable planet like Earth suited for life in our Milky Way galaxy or even in the entire universe are practically zero.

3) First Life. Modern science has reached the unanimous conclusion that life on a planet like earth could not have started by mere chance. The complex building blocks of the simplest living cell - proteins, DNA and molecular machines - do not allow for random assembly even through long periods of time. Despite decades of intense research, origin-of-life scientists have found no evolutionary explanation to explain how life could have started by natural processes alone.

4) No mechanism for species to evolve. Natural selection is just variation within a species. Genetic mutations are required to evolve from one species into the next, however mutations are not common and mostly neutral. If they happen, they are almost always harmful not beneficial. The occurrence of many small, beneficial steps of mutations is against all odds and has never been observed.

5) The fossil record. There are no intermediate species in the fossil record. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, species would evolve to more complex new species by a series of gradual mutations. However, despite of over 100+ years of extensive studies of the fossil record, no intermediate species have been discovered. On the contrary, the Cambrian Explosion shows the almost "overnight" appearance of the body plans of all modern day life forms at about the same moment in time.

So, WHY still believe all this? Why does the scientific world still want to convince us - after 150 years of unsuccessful looking for answers - that evolution is THE theory that explains our existence or is even a FACT?

I believe the answer is simple. Evolution has become a religion. Its adherents have based their personal convictions, values and above all comfortable lifestyle on this idea that we are just the product of time and chance. We are just an 'accident' and there is no God. Therefore we can do what we want and when we want it, because we are not accountable to anybody. We are our own gods and we should live life to achieve maximum pleasure.

Because evolution has become like a religion its adherents are also not really interested to be open-minded for criticism or alternative explanations. "What do you mean that you want to challenge the concepts of evolution? It is a fact, so we do not need to prove it anymore!"

On a personal note - I was taught the theory of evolution in high school. It was not even presented to me as a theory but as a fact. Only very limited evidence was presented. and because of it I lost my interest in God and Christianity. Now I know I was duped, I was deceived. Only when life presented me with an interest and an opportunity to do my own research at a later stage of my life I discovered that it was a lie. But I had to discover that myself. I had to dig myself into science to find the gaps and faulty patches. I just wish that during my school and college years one of my teachers would have been more objective and at least would have told me that the theory of evolution is not a fact and shown me the alternative view of Intelligent Design of Creation. That way I could have made my own decision about what to believe earlier in my life.

Unfortunately one cannot change the past, but one can make better choices for the future.

Rob VandeWeghe is a skeptic turned Christian. For the entire text of this article on evolution visit Rob's book 'Prepared to Answer' and more evidences for Christianity are available at

Quick Science Projects Made Fun & Easy

Quick science projects are great when you have a limited time frame to complete them or are just looking for a fun way to pass some time on a boring afternoon. There are many options when you're looking for quick science fair projects, such as how much salt does it take to sink an egg?

All you need for this project is a glass, an egg, water and salt, and you just put the egg in the glass, fill it three-quarters full of water and add the salt, one teaspoon at a time. Another quick science project would to do a food comparison on an animal such as a rodent or a bug, or you could even do it on your own pet. You simply want to find out if they prefer one food over the other. This may not work well for pet dogs though, as most dogs seem to want to eat anything!

You could also do a fairly quick test on depth-perception in humans. All you need is a few cylindrical rods on a table next to each other but at a varying distance from one another, and have a friend cover one eye and try to grab the rod that you specify out of the bunch on the first try. You can then re-arrange the rods and have the friend try to do it with both eyes open. Ask him if he felt he could do it easier with one eye covered or with both eyes open.

For more quick science projects and step-by-step instructions, visit Be sure to check out the site for tons of simple science projects elementary science experiments, middle school, and high school science.

© Copyright 2008. Feel free to reprint this article on your site as long as the article is not modified in any way and the resource information (about the author) is listed as above.

What is Leachate? And Garbage Juice Explained

Leachate is the liquid produced when water percolates through any permeable material. Silage leachate is a form of leachate which is a serious environmental problem, however, when people refer to leachate they are usually talking about the contaminated water that is produced by water percolating through waste.

Leachate is produced when water filters downward through a landfill, and as it does so it picks up dissolved materials from the decomposing wastes. Depending on characteristics of the landfill and the wastes it contains, the leachate may vary from being relatively harmless or extremely toxic.

Landfills with low permeability daily cover, in wet and high rainfall climates with high slopes (less than 20 to 1) are particularly susceptible. Leachate seeps also are possible if operators use recirculation to return concentrates from, for example, RO systems and we have known seeps to be particularly persistent where systems are inadvertently placed over well-compacted, former haul roads.

Landfill leachate can also be defined as liquid that leaks from a landfill and enters the environment. This liquid may either exist in the landfill as deposited, or it may be created after rainwater mixes with the chemical waste in in a landfill.

Landfill leachate quality varies as a function of many factors including waste type, waste depth, time, weather, and landfill operations.

Designed to hold our garbage and to prevent it from contaminating our soil and our drinking water, the modern landfill has become a highly technical and complex structure. Contrary to what many might think, a landfill is not just a pile of garbage. Because these landfills are designed not to let the leachate escape and pollute the surrounding ground the landfills hold the leachate for a long while before it can descend through the waste and be removed from the bottom. This means that the modern landfill produces some of the strongest and most contaminated leachate waters ever produced anywhere.

Treatment of this polluted water is a complex task due to its nature. A typical leachate is highly contaminated with ammonia, organic contaminants, halogenated hydrocarbons and some heavy metals (although this can be overstated in leachate from modern well controlled landfills). Also, leachates commonly hold high concentrations of inorganic salts.

Treatment lagoons and leachate ponds are a method of leachate management, but they are usually ineffective fall all but the freshest and weakest landfill leachates.

In dry climates and arid areas, removal of the organic content from a highly polluted drainage (such as landfill leachate) is not sufficient. This is because of introducing the salts and other inorganic pollutants from the leachate into the natural water cycle, even at minimal concentrations, can lead to bio-accumulation (a growing potential of environmental pollution) in the resultant ecosystems which receive the discharge of treated leachate.

Additionally, although the biodegradability of leachate organic compounds declines with time, complex organic compounds, such as humic substances and manufactured chemical compounds, remain in solution.

Biological treatment is the most favourable procedure that should be used for leachate treatment, and biological treatment should also be used in those cases when chemical/physical treatment is also required. Biological leachate treatment is a relatively low cost process in which organics are degraded mainly to carbon dioxide, water, and biomass.

All those substances that are been eliminated using a pre-treatment of biological degradation no longer have to be treated by means of the much higher cost chemical/physical procedures available.

As the landfill age increases the treatment of the leachate it produces will mainly focus on the nitrification of ammonia. Biological denitrification can then be achieved subsequently when an external organic substrate is added to the leachate.

It is important to stress that the design criteria for sewage treatment plants cannot be used for this polluted water. For the design and operation of biological leachate treatment plants specific points have to be respected and a leachate treatment process expert is essential. For many adopting the advice of sewage treatment experts for leachate-treatment has resulted in inappropriate process designs, and wasted money, time and effort.

For leading world class expertise in leachate treatment visit the top leachate web site. These guys have built the biggest and most complex biological leachate treatment plants in the world to treat the strongest and most difficult to treat leachates found anywhere.

Will Humans Ever Live to Be 1,000 Years Old?

Today, although it is somewhat uncommon many are living over 100-years of age. Each year more and more people make it to their centurion years. Have you ever wondered what the high-end of human life span might be in the future? Well, sorry for the delay in the reply to this question of your, I do believe it does deserve a legitimate answer. So, will it be possible for humans to live to be 250, 500 or even 1,000 years old?

Well, of course we already should know that increased life spans are coming and perhaps the first person to reach 1,000 years old may have already been born. This does not mean they will not live to be 1,000 years with all the same parts, or exact DNA, but it will be similarly close. Thus, humans will no longer have to rely on the slow process of evolution to adapt, as they can adapt at will and along with the innovations in bio-science.

This increased longevity will come with and it will include increased brain function and a more efficient bio-system, humans need a few modifications currently, most obviously external or skeletal features like the Feet, Tail Bone, and such, but there are many more problematic noticeable issues. Eventually humans may be satisfied to live without a physical body; again this is a ways off still, but mark my words that day is rapidly approaching.

Do you want to live to be 1,000 years old? It is not beyond the realm of possibility, scientists are working on it and within the next 50-years it just might be so. Please think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Should We Downsize the Human Body?

It seems saving the planet is a big deal, a world-wide goal, but, if we are truly going to save the planet we need to consider a few things first. For instance can 10 Billion people live on the surface of the planet and if so, will the planet sustain them all? How about 15 or 20 Billion? Well, at our current consumption levels most likely not. What if we reduce or consumption; can it be possible then?

Okay, let's say it is, that is to say the surface of the Planet can sustain 20 Billion carbon based bi-peds? Then how about 30 Billion, what is the upward limit, should we be so ego-centric to challenge our resources to the point of exhaustion? No, probably not. So, we must downsize our populations through birth and population controls.

Has anyone considered that Humans are currently too big, take too much energy, and are increasing in unsustainable numbers for living on the "surface" of this planet anyway? Why not control population growth, plus, use our bio-sciences to downsize the actual size of the humans on the planet? After all, we have no predators anymore, we are king of the food chain.

Three to four foot high humans ought to be a better idea, less crowded, less food, more efficient and everyone including Mother Earth wins, right? Sure, it makes sense, so why not work on that? Evolution has allowed for species to get smaller or bigger through many generations to adapt to food supply, oxygen levels, etc. So, maybe we ought to take a page out of our evolutionary play book? Think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

What If Einstein Were Alive Today, Would He Help Or Hinder Our Scientific Advancement?

What if Humans could live 1,000 years, then we would still have the top scientists of the last 1000 years, but would this help our scientific advancement or hurt our technological achievement? What about Einstein, what if he were still alive today? Would his name, cause folks to follow him to this day, rather than challenge his theories?

Some might say his celebrity could hurt the advancement of science if he were still alive. I disagree with this thought because, we have scientists today like Steven Hawking and the scientists of the day are busy challenging him in every way, as were the scientists in Einstein's day challenging him and his theories as well.

With regards to Einstein, if you will recall, even he himself was not satisfied with all his theories, some things he questioned most are still with us and some things he thought were absolute, were not exactly absolute, due to his lack of additional and current information, however had he learned this information he would have been the first to modify his theories.

Indeed, many of his theories and many theories of other men are still taught and they are dead now anyway. So, I believe that the comment about celebrity status is perhaps somewhat invalid, because many former dead scientists are celebrated more after their death then during and those theories are still taught and often hard to remove from the old text books anyway.

If our greatest scientists or thinkers could live for 1,000 years, the human race would be well better off than if they continue to perish at the current rate of human longevity and actuary table predictions. So, please think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;